Foolish Thinking

I apologise for making you a victim of my writing, but then again, you made me a victim of your carelessness.
Do you know how you confuse me so?
My heart has never felt more anguish than it has these past months, agonising over the littlest things that make me wonder:

Was it me? Was it you? Is it still, or am I a fool?

I must be a fool for letting myself be tossed into this self-stirred storm led by the gales of your actions, for believing that there is anything left of me in that heart of yours.

Or are you the fool for letting me drown so? For not seeing what is front of your eyes and in your heart?

No matter, I will continue my ponderings till my heart gives way and the tides of life wash me to a new shore.


Lost to Time


Star Crossed